
Clients In Pharmaceuticals Industry

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Different Compressors


Compressors Running



A sterile environment is essential in the pharmaceutical industry.

At Trident, we have a complete range of compressors designed to provide totally oil-free air to the highest quality standards, with class-leading efficiency to help you achieve these goals.In addition to the requirement for high quality oil-free air, manufacturers need to reduce their cost of operations and increase efficiency in order to improve their bottom line.

Typical uses of compressed air in the pharmaceutical industry include:

  • Process air — air used in direct contact with products for cleaning, aeration and product moving
  • Control valves & cylinders — to control equipment used in the manufacturing process
  • Material handling — Fluid pumping systems are operated by compressed air in volatile environments without the risk of explosion
  • Nitrogen generation — air is filtered via a membrane to produce nitrogen
  • Air curtains — air is used as a curtain to create a safe and clean area
  • Product drying — air is mixed with products to accelerate the drying process.

Most Used Compressors In This Industry

Compair D37H

Compair D110H

Compair L45